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American River Messenger

Engine 106 Back in Service

Jul 06, 2016 12:00AM ● By Source: Michelle Eidam, Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District

Metro Fire has announced that Engine 106, located in the Arden/Arcade area, went back into service on July 1st after having been closed for nearly five years due to budget constraints. Engine 106 rejoins a Truck and Battalion Chief, which have remained in service for the past five years.

As a result of the economic recession and collapse of the housing market, Metro Fire experienced an annual loss of $15 million in property tax revenue from 2008 to 2014. To confront this reality, the Metro Fire Board of Directors embarked on a three-pronged strategy to reduce expenses, while striving to protect its core services.

Metro Fire reduced services - which included the closure of Engine 106 and five additional engine companies. It reduced compensation and employee layoffs. It also increased operational efficiencies.

Because the engine closures have negatively impacted service levels, the District has made reopening closed engine companies a top priority when resources allowed. With the reopening of Engine 106, Metro Fire’s response capability in the Arden/Arcade area is increased and the District is better positioned to deliver the most appropriately equipped fire apparatus as the first arriving unit in response to an emergency.

The public is invited to join Metro Fire for an Open House at Station 106. You can take a look at the engine, truck and medic, receive free Hands-only CPR training, watch some firefighter demonstrations, learn safety tips relevant to your community, and get to know your local firefighters.

The open house is to be held Saturday July 30th from 10am to 12pm at Station 106, 2200 Park Towne Circle, Sacramento, 95825

Forged from a long line of tradition, Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District (Metro Fire) provides professional and compassionate protection, education and service to all-risk emergency hazards and incidents. The District was formed in 2000 through the final consolidation of 16 predecessor departments in the Sacramento region. The combined District now consists of approximately 630 employees and serves an area encompassing 417 square miles that include Sacramento and Placer counties. Metro Fire is the seventh largest fire agency in the State of California.