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American River Messenger

Sacramento Metro Chamber Celebrates 126th Annual Business Awards

Dec 29, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Traci Rockefeller Cusack, T-Rock Communications

Sacramentan of the Year Supervisor Susan Peters to be Honored

SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) – The Sacramento Metro Chamber is proud to salute regional leaders for their life-long dedication to service, inclusion and for creating more vibrant communities during the 126th Annual Business Awards to be held virtually on Friday, February 5, 2021. Sacramento County’s District 3 Supervisor Susan Peters has been named as the 2020 Sacramentan of the Year and will be recognized along with many others on the front lines of the pandemic, including Cate Dyer of StemExpress as Businesswoman of the Year and Randy Sater of StoneBridge Properties as Businessman of the Year. In addition, a special Lifetime Achievement Award will honor the memory of PRIDE Industries CEO Michael Ziegler for his visionary leadership, service to the community, and lasting impacts to the region.

“We are extremely proud to honor these deserving leaders in our community at this year’s 126th Annual Business Awards,” said Sacramento Metro Chamber President & CEO Amanda Blackwood. “These awardees exemplify what it means to live a life of service and to use the precious time we are given to leave this world better than we found it. At this pivotal moment in our history, we applaud their tireless commitment to creating economic opportunity and community vibrancy for the Sacramento Region.”

A complete list of 2020 honorees to be recognized for their ongoing contributions to the region includes the following:

Sacramentan of the Year – Supervisor Susan Peters, County of Sacramento; Businesswoman of the Year – Cate Dyer, StemExpress; Businessman of the Year – Randy Sater, StoneBridge Properties; The Al Geiger Memorial Award  - Faith Whitmore, Sacramento Regional Family Justice Center; Small Business of the Year – Savory Café; The Business Hall of Fame Award – El Dorado Savings Bank; Young Professional of the Year – Dr. Lenora Lee, MD, Kaiser Permanente; Lifetime Achievement Award – in memory of Michael Ziegler, PRIDE Industries  

In addition to celebrating the 2020 honorees, Leigh White (retired Vice President & General Manager of FOX40) will conclude her term as Board Chair and install Dave Roughton CEO of SAFE Credit Union as the 2021 Board Chair.

Hosted first in 1895, the Annual Business Awards is the Metro Chamber’s longest running event and will be held virtually for the first time in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since its inception, business leaders, community stakeholders and members come together annually to salute board leadership, recognize the changemakers in our region, and celebrate the Capital Region.

For more information about the 126th Annual Business Awards is available at Tickets to the 126th Annual Business Awards virtual event are available via For more information about the Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, please visit

The Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce advocates for and supports the inclusive economic prosperity of our Capital Region by leading efforts for business. Established in 1895, Metro Chamber is the largest, most prominent, and established voice for business representing 1,400 members and their workforce in El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba counties. The Metro Chamber provides businesses and individuals the programs, services and advocacy needed to build vibrant communities, a ready workforce, connected region and strong business. For more information, please visit