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American River Messenger

It is Official!

Jan 27, 2021 12:00AM ● By From Supervisor Rich Desmond

Rich Desmond, Third Supervisorial District Photo: Sac County

Supervisor Rich Desmond’s Inaugural Greeting 

It’s official!  As I take office as your new County Supervisor, I am filled with gratitude to be able to serve the residents of the Third District. I have lived in District 3 all my life, and my wife and I are raising our five children here.  My life is woven into the fabric of our community.  In my position as Supervisor, I will be an accessible and responsive representative for ALL the diverse neighborhoods in District 3 and strive to do what is best for our residents and businesses. The urban unincorporated communities in our District rely heavily on the County for municipal services, public safety, and economic development, and I will be a tireless advocate for ensuring those services are provided reliably and effectively.

During the coming year, I will be focused on getting us safely through the COVID-19 pandemic and revitalizing our local economy.  I will also be working on solutions to reduce homelessness.  Homelessness is a regional crisis, and we must work collaboratively with the City of Sacramento and other municipalities to meet this challenge compassionately and with a multifaceted approach.  We need dedicated safe sleeping areas and more affordable housing options with services to help people succeed.  However, we also need more tools and resources to get people who suffer from addiction and mental illness into meaningful treatment programs. There is nothing compassionate about allowing people with untreated illness to live in squalor in our streets and open spaces where they are vulnerable to crime and the elements.  My other focus will be on our small businesses that have faced financial ruin during this pandemic with ever-changing health requirements and needs.  I am committed to being a voice for the small business community.  The County must always strive to do a better job of creating conditions for economic success while lifting up those who need help.  I hope my constituents will continue to keep me informed about issues they face so I can make sure the County delivers on these obligations.   

Despite the pandemic, my office is still operating to serve the constituents of District 3.  We are here to serve you, and I encourage you to contact me with any thoughts, questions, comments, or concerns you may have about District 3 or Sacramento County.  I can be contacted by email at [email protected] or by phone at (916) 874-5471.  You may also visit my website for more information.  My dedicated and experienced staff is also available to assist with any issues you may have.  Here is their contact information:


Chief of Staff, Vanessa McCarthy-Olmstead: [email protected]; Special Assistant, Mark Cullum: [email protected]; Executive Assistant, Terri Conde-Ortiz: [email protected]

I am pleased to announce that the State of California permitted the Greater Sacramento Region to exit the State’s Regional Stay at Home Order with a four week ICU availability projection of 19 percent.  As I am sure you are aware, Sacramento County was required to comply with the State’s Regional Stay at Home Order that was issued on December 9, 2020, which caused many businesses to close.  Sacramento County Public Health’s updated Health Order to align with Tier 1/Purple is effective January 13.  It allows the reopening of some indoor and outdoor operations under reduced operational capacity such as outdoor dining and indoor hair salons and barber shops.  You can view the Order at this link.  Sacramento County will continue to provide details regarding the updated Health Order, and Purple Tier guidelines can be found on the California Department of Public Health's Tier Guidelines website.  

The Public Health Order is a step in the right direction, and I am hopeful we can move to Tier 2/Red and allow more business openings in the next few months.  I encourage everyone to continue to do their part to keep safe so that we can keep our businesses open.

For more information on the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors visit